Monday, July 13, 2009

Road Trip!!

I am very proud of myself for I drove 2 kids and 1 dog all the way to SC by MYSELF in a record 8:22 min( fastest time yet) with only 1 stop!!!! AND on the way home I drove all 3 kids and both dogs but stopped 3 times but did it all by myself!!! (Scott had to drive a truck down so that's why I was flying solo) When Scott & Cade arrived hours after us Cade got out of the truck and said" We took the Long-Cut"!!! He cracks us up!! We all had a great time at Pop-pop & Gigi's swimming and going to the beach,boat rides fishing off the dock and all the other indulgences of living on the water! Jake was "surfing"(according to Jake) like a real pro on Cade's new wake board.He really blew us away showing off an adventerous side We then moved on to Savannah to see Grandma & Grandpa Bob's new place.The kids had an absolute blast with their cousins Cassie & Jordan. Cassie it the first real girl Lila has gotten to spent time with since she is surrounded by boys and there aren't any little girls in our neighborhood her age. So Cassie is now her best girl friend!! The whole clan( including Grandaddy Stark, Aunt Joyce, Aunt Nanna) took Lila to get her ears pierced. This was not my idea but Lila's!!!! She has been asking for a while and I finally caved and to be honest they really look cute on her and she didn't even flinch while having them done! Oh and Aunt Joyce brought Lila the most beautiful Traditional Oriental Dress.The silk fabric brought back from China almost 50 years ago. It's just gorgeous and I for one an tempted to wear it!!!
It looks brand new and of course she wants to weat it now.